Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cybele - Rhea

Mother Earth. Cybele personifies the earth in its primitive and savage state. From Pre-classic Greece to early Christian times she represented Gaia, the deified earth, and inherited many attributes of the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna . As Rhea (Earth), Cybele was wife to her brother Chronos (Sky), and from him gave birth to Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, hence her Roman title of Magna Mater or "Great Mother". In this depiction Cybele's queenship as Magna Mater of Rome is symbolized by her throne and lions. She holds the frame drum; her bowl of prophecy and staring gaze proclaim her power. The blazing torch symbolizes her bull-consort Attis in resurrection. Saint Peter's Cathedral stands upon the site of Cybele's temple in Rome. The Sybils at Cumae were her priestess-oracles.

Prayer to Cybele

Great Goddess of women, protectress from one's enemies, healer of grave illness, guardian of the dead, and mistress of prophecy and the future.
Aid me in my quest of spiritual fulfillment,
and like Attis (who was your son and was resurrected as your daughter),
transform me as adopted daughter and gallae to fulfill myself
as I know myself to be -- whole and woman.
Grant me safe passage in my physical transition,
as directed from within or without.

Grant me leave to discern and discover the future,
for myself and for others in constructive ways.

1 comment:

  1. My rendition of the myth of Cybele, Attis, and Agdistis

    The Phrygian myth concerning the goddess Cybele and Attis begins with the god Zeus who manages to impregnate the earth (Cybele was identified with the earth goddess Rhea) while he slept, resulting in the birth of the Hermaphrodite Cybele (called Agdistis).

    The gods castrate Cybele, and an almond tree grows from her severed genitals. Nana, the daughter of a river god, becomes pregnant with the boy Attis, after she picks an almond from the tree and it enters her womb. Eventually, Attis reaches manhood and the all-female Cybele falls in love with him.

    Unfortunately, Attis is betrothed to a daughter of king Pessinus, and so the jealous Cybele sends Attis into an insane frenzy whereby he castrates himself and dies.

    Full of remose, Cybele decrees that Attis' body shall never decay, or according to another tradition, Attis is transformed into the evergreen pine tree.
